Lose you marbles and have a blast in this explosive game of rolling your problems to someone else.
Imagine playing a game of grenade catch with your friends... execpt you're wearing sticky mittens and there are more grenades than you have hands.
Try not to keep your balls to yourself!
Plays in 30 minutes or less.
High Replayability.
Video tutorial on how to play
Available for purchase!
This game is for 2 to 5 players, +1 for each expansion added to the deck.
The object of the game is to eliminate the other players. The last player in the game is the winner.
Starting the Game
Deal out 3 cards to each player.
How To Play
The draw and discard pile are shared by all players.
Each turn consists of four phases.
Start Phase: Apply any text from spheres in your zone that state “At the beginning of your turn...”.
Draw Phase: Draw 2 cards from the draw pile.
Play Phase: Play any number of cards one at a time until you decide to stop. When a sphere card is played, it can be played into any player's zone.
End Phase: Apply any text from spheres in your zone that state “At the end of your turn...”. Once those are complete, discard down to your maximum hand size of 7 cards.
Hand Size: Each player has a maximum hand size of 7.
Zones: Each player has a zone, spheres in play are always in one player's zone and in only one player's zone. When a sphere is in your zone, it's text applies to you.
Reshuffle: If the deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile into it.
Triggers: Some spheres state “When this sphere rolls...”, when the condition is met, you apply its text immediately. Other triggers include “At the beginning of your turn...” or “At the end of your turn...” or “When this sphere is rolled into the discard pile...”
Static: Some spheres don't have triggers, those cards are static and the text always applies to player whose zone it is in.
Multiple Triggers at the Same Time: When there are multiple triggers happening in a player's zone, that player chooses the order in which they happen. Feel free to arrange your triggering spheres from left to right if this helps you. When triggers that would cause you to lose the game happen at the same time, all of those become one instance of losing the game.
Attach: When a card is attached to another, they simply stay together until they are rolled into the discard pile together.
Entering Play: When a sphere enters play in a player's zone, it did not roll, and therefore entering play will not trigger any “when this sphere rolls...” effects.
Discard: When a card uses the term discard, it means from your hand. Cards can not be discarded from zones.
Losing the game: When a player loses the game, they put all spheres in their zone into the discard pile and discard their hand.
Angel: No matter how many triggers would cause you to lose the game at the end of your turn, you don't lose game when Angel is in your zone.
Chains: If you begin your turn with Chains in your zone and you use a roll card to get rid of it, you may now play cards without restriction, because Chains is no longer in your zone.
Chaos: While Chaos is in your zone, you don't have to play a card on your turn, but if you choose to, your first card is played at random.
Neon: When neon is rolled into the discard pile and you chooses 2 spheres to roll away, they must both go to the same player.